Tests for Carbohydrates | Principle and Procedure | Biological Molecules

Definition of Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are a type of macronutrient found in many foods and beverages. They are one of the three main types of nutrients that provide energy to the body, along with proteins and fats. They are made up of sugar molecules, and their primary role is to provide energy for bodily functions and physical activity.

Types of Carbohydrates

1. Simple Carbohydrates (Sugars)

These consist of one or two sugar molecules, making them quick sources of energy. Examples include glucose, fructose (found in fruits), sucrose (table sugar), and lactose (milk sugar).

2. Complex Carbohydrates (Starches and Fiber)

These are composed of longer chains of sugar molecules, which take longer to break down and provide a more sustained release of energy. Starches are found in foods like bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes. Fiber, though a type of carbohydrate, is indigestible and helps with digestion and maintaining a healthy gut. It is found in foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.

Functions of Carbohydrates

1. Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred energy source, especially for brain function and physical activity. Once consumed, they are broken down into glucose, which cells use for fuel.

2. In the absence of carbohydrates, the body can break down fats into ketones for energy, which may lead to a state known as ketosis.

3. Carbohydrates are found in a variety of healthy and unhealthy foods. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes are examples of healthy carbohydrate sources, while refined sugars and processed foods often contain less nutritious forms of carbohydrates.

Tests for Carbohydrates

Different tests are performed to identify types of carbohydrates in foods. Some of the tests for carbohydrates are:

Tests for Carbohydrates

1. Benedict's Test

Purpose: This test is used to detect the presence of reducing sugars, which include monosaccharides and some disaccharides.

Principle: Reducing sugars have free aldehyde or ketone groups that can reduce copper (II) ions in Benedict's reagent (which contains copper sulfate) to copper (I) oxide, resulting in a color change.

  1. Prepare a clean test tube and add about 5 mL of Benedict's reagent.
  2. Add an equal volume (5 mL) of the sample solution (e.g., urine or food extract) to the test tube.
  3. Mix the solution gently and place the test tube in a boiling water bath.
  4. Heat for about 2-5 minutes while observing the mixture.

Interpretation of Results:

No color change: Indicates no reducing sugars are present.

Green precipitate: Indicates a low concentration of reducing sugars (approximately 0.1%–0.5%).

Yellow precipitate: Indicates a moderate concentration of reducing sugars (approximately 0.5%–1%).

Orange to brick-red precipitate: Indicates a high concentration of reducing sugars (>1%).

2. Fehling's Test

Purpose: Fehling's test also detects reducing sugars and is similar to Benedict's test.

Principle: The test utilizes the ability of reducing sugars to reduce copper (II) ions in alkaline conditions to form copper (I) oxide, which precipitates as a red solid.


  1. Prepare two solutions:Fehling's Solution A: 7% copper (II) sulfate (CuSO₄).
  2. Fehling's Solution B: 15% potassium sodium tartrate and 10% sodium hydroxide.
  3. Mix equal volumes (around 5 mL each) of Fehling's A and B in a test tube.
  4. Add 5 mL of the sample solution to the mixture.
  5. Heat in a boiling water bath for about 5-10 minutes.

Interpretation of Results:

No change: Indicates no reducing sugars are present.

Brick-red precipitate: Indicates the presence of reducing sugars.

3. Iodine Test

Purpose: This test is specifically designed to detect starch.

Principle: Iodine reacts with the helical structure of amylose (a component of starch) to form a blue-black complex, while it does not react with other carbohydrates.


  1. Place a small amount of the sample (solid or solution) into a clean test tube or a watch glass.
  2. Add 1-2 drops of iodine solution (iodine dissolved in potassium iodide) to the sample.
  3. Mix gently and observe for color change.

Interpretation of Results:

No color change (remains brown/yellow): Indicates no starch is present.

Blue-black color: Indicates the presence of starch.

4. Molisch's Test

Purpose: This test detects the presence of all carbohydrates, including monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides.

Principle: The test involves the formation of a purple ring when carbohydrates react with Molisch's reagent, which contains α-naphthol, followed by the addition of concentrated sulfuric acid.


  1. Add 2-3 drops of Molisch's reagent to a clean test tube containing 2 mL of the test sample.
  2. Carefully add 2 mL of concentrated sulfuric acid down the side of the test tube to form a separate layer.
  3. Allow the mixture to stand for a few minutes without shaking and observe for color change.

Interpretation of Results:

No color change: Indicates no carbohydrates are present.

Purple or violet ring at the interface: Indicates the presence of carbohydrates.

5. Seliwanoff's Test

Purpose: This test distinguishes between aldoses and ketoses.

Principle: Ketoses, such as fructose, react more quickly with Seliwanoff's reagent (hydrochloric acid and resorcinol) than aldoses, producing a pink color.


  1. Mix 2 mL of the test solution with 2 mL of Seliwanoff's reagent in a test tube.
  2. Heat the mixture in a boiling water bath for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Observe any color change.

Interpretation of Results:

Pink color: Indicates the presence of ketoses (e.g., fructose).

No color change or light red: Indicates the presence of aldoses (e.g., glucose).

6. Quantitative Tests for Carbohydrates

Quantitative tests measure the concentration of carbohydrates. Some common methods include:

a. Spectrophotometry

Principle: This method involves measuring the absorbance of a carbohydrate solution at a specific wavelength using a spectrophotometer. The amount of light absorbed is directly proportional to the concentration of the carbohydrate.


  1. Prepare a series of known glucose solutions to create a standard curve.
  2. Measure the absorbance of the unknown sample at a specific wavelength (usually around 540 nm for glucose).
  3. Compare the absorbance of the unknown sample to the standard curve to determine its concentration.

b. High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

Principle: HPLC separates individual carbohydrates in a mixture based on their size and polarity. A detector measures the concentration of each carbohydrate as it elutes from the column.


Prepare the sample by filtering and diluting it as needed.
Inject the sample into the HPLC system.
Use a specific column and mobile phase (liquid solvent) suitable for carbohydrate separation.
Analyze the output from the detector, which generates a chromatogram showing the peaks corresponding to different carbohydrates.


These tests for carbohydrates are crucial in both clinical and laboratory settings to identify the presence of various carbohydrate types. They provide insights into metabolic states, food composition, and nutritional status. The interpretation of results requires careful observation and comparison to established standards, which can help in diagnosing conditions such as diabetes, malabsorption syndromes, and more.

Some Questions and Answers

1. What are carbohydrates?

A. Carbohydrates are organic compounds made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, typically in a ratio of 1:2:1. They are one of the three main macronutrients, providing energy to the body, and are classified into simple carbohydrates (sugars) and complex carbohydrates (starches and fiber).

2. Why are carbohydrates important in our diet?

A. Carbohydrates serve as the body’s primary energy source, especially for the brain and during physical activity. They also spare protein from being used as an energy source, support digestive health through fiber, and help regulate blood sugar levels.

3. What are the two main types of carbohydrates?

A. The two main types of carbohydrates are:Simple Carbohydrates: These consist of one or two sugar molecules and are quickly absorbed by the body (e.g., glucose, fructose).
Complex Carbohydrates: These are composed of long chains of sugar molecules and take longer to digest, providing sustained energy (e.g., starch, fiber).

4. What is Benedict's test used for?

A. Benedict's test is used to detect the presence of reducing sugars, such as glucose and fructose, in a sample. The test is based on the ability of reducing sugars to reduce copper (II) ions in Benedict's reagent, resulting in a color change.

5. How do you perform the iodine test for starch?

A. To perform the iodine test for starch, add a few drops of iodine solution to the sample. If starch is present, the solution will change color to blue-black. If there is no starch, the solution will remain brown or yellow.

6. What is the principle behind Molisch's test?

A. Molisch's test is based on the reaction between carbohydrates and Molisch's reagent (α-naphthol), which produces a purple ring at the interface when concentrated sulfuric acid is added. This indicates the presence of carbohydrates.

7. How can you distinguish between aldoses and ketoses using Seliwanoff's test?

A. Seliwanoff's test distinguishes between aldoses and ketoses based on their reactivity with Seliwanoff's reagent. Ketoses (e.g., fructose) will produce a pink color quickly, while aldoses (e.g., glucose) will not show a significant color change or will take longer to react.
Questions about Interpretation of Results

8. What does a brick-red precipitate indicate in Benedict's test?

A. A brick-red precipitate in Benedict's test indicates a high concentration of reducing sugars (greater than 1%). The more intense the color, the higher the concentration of reducing sugars present in the sample.

9. What would a blue-black color in the iodine test suggest?

A. A blue-black color in the iodine test suggests the presence of starch in the sample. This indicates that starch is present, as iodine forms a complex with the helical structure of amylose, a component of starch.

10. If a sample shows no color change in Molisch's test, what does it mean?

A. If there is no color change in Molisch's test, it indicates that carbohydrates are not present in the sample. The absence of a purple ring signifies that the tested substance does not contain detectable levels of carbohydrates.

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